
County declares public health emergency

Residents urged to limit non-essential gatherings, develop household plan

The Central Racine County Health Department, which also serves communities in Western Racine County, has advised residents to follow state and federal guidelines in response to the health threat caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Both the state and the county declared states of emergency in regard to the pandemic this morning.

Here is the text of the news release issued jointly by the county’s public health departments:

“In coordination with the State and County states of emergency declared today, the Central Racine County Health Department (CRCHD) and City of Racine Public Health Departments (CoRPHD) ask the public to follow the latest State and Federal guidance.

  • Limit non-essential large community events and gatherings of 250 or more people.
  • Those who provide gathering activities for older adults, such as senior centers and congregate dining facilities, plan for alternative ways to remain engaged with them that minimize their risk.
  • Avoid all non-essential travel according to CDC travel guidelines. For domestic travel, DHS recommends against all non-essential travel to any U.S state where the CDC deems there is sustained community transmission of COVID-19.
  • For all travelers returning to Wisconsin from high risk areas including U.S. locations, DHS recommends that those individuals self-quarantine at home for 14 days and monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Create a household plan of action in case of illness in the household or disruption of daily activities due to COVID-19 in the community.

– Consider 2-week supply for prescription and over the counter medications, food and other essentials

– Establish ways to communicate with others (e.g. family, friends, co-workers)

– Establish plans to telework, what to do about childcare needs, how to adapt to cancellation of


  • People should follow simple steps to avoid getting sick, including frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching your face, staying home when sick.

Currently there are no known cases of COVID-19 in Racine County, but testing has increased, and public health officials anticipate there will be coronavirus cases in the County. CRCHD and CoRPHD have been coordinating with local area healthcare providers to ensure people tested for COVID-19 receive appropriate public health follow up. As part of this follow-up, both health departments are asking people to be isolated or quarantined based on current State and Federal guidance. The Racine County Health Departments will communicate risk to the public, places of business, schools and other community settings in the event than an exposure is confirmed.

For people who are ill and suspect they may have coronavirus, they should call their healthcare provider. Racine County health departments do not have tests or testing capacity.

At this time Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Racine County health departments are not recommending school closures as part of this guidance.

Decisions about the implementation of community measures will be made by state and local officials based on CDC and DHS guidance, as well as the scope of the outbreak.

All actions taken by CRHCD and CoRPHD are in coordination with the DHS and CDC guidance and local leaders. For the latest guidance, click here CDC INFO.”


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