Temporary changes to city services announced
The City of Burlington announced a state of emergency Thursday amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
The declaration of emergency called by Mayor Jeannie Hefty follows similar declarations made by Gov. Tony Evers and Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave
According to a news release, the City of Burlington continues to monitor the rapidly changing and evolving COVID-19 outbreak, and with the declaration, puts the city in a position for state and federal resources to help mitigate the impacts of coronavirus.
City officials also remain in contact with the Central Racine County Health Department as well as Racine County.
“As your Mayor, I am deeply concerned for your well-being. Please continue to take the necessary precautions to keep yourselves, your families, your co-workers and our community safe. Lastly, please remain calm, we are doing everything we can.”
Temporary changes
Effective Thursday, the City of Burlington has made alternative arrangements for in-person functions, including closing City Hall, Public Works Building and Water Pollution Control Facility, Laboratory and Fire Department to the public.
“Although we will be closing our buildings, we will continue to provide excellent public service via email, telephone and US. Mail. The City is finalizing business continuity plans for departments and instituting a series of measures for flexible work options to ensure the safety of our employees,” the city states on its website.
Essential functions of police and fire services will continue full operations with additional measures implemented to protect the safety of residents and first responders.
The Department of Public Works will be operating at minimum levels of staffing to ensure critical public health and safety functions are provided. This means that some non-essential services will be discontinued.
Absentee voting
On Monday, absentee voting will be held at the police station, 224 E. Jefferson Street, where the city clerk will hold office hours from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. weekdays through April 3.
The city continues to encourage absentee voting by mail. To receive at ballot at home, apply for a ballot by April 2 at www.myvote.wi.gov or request an absentee ballot application at cityhall@burlington-wi.gov.
Here is a look at other services announced by the City of Burlington:
The Lab will continue to process compliance sampling for but will no longer accept private well tests or other outside testing.
Utility bills should be submitted through PSN, direct pay, or through the mail.
City Parks typically open May 1st. The opening of City Parks has been postponed and all park facilities shall remain closed to the public. Please note that public playgrounds and other park facilities will not be cleaned or sanitized and should not be used.
The compost site typically opens for the season at the beginning of April. The site opening has been postponed and biweekly curbside brush collection has also been postponed.
Water bills can be paid at https://www.paymentservicenetwork.com/Login.aspx?acc=RT18996
Municipal Court citations can be paid at https://www.paymentservicenetwork.com/Login.aspx?acc=RT24926
Parking tickets can be paid at https://www.paymentservicenetwork.com/Login.aspx
Real Estate Taxes
Real estate taxes can be dropped off at the Racine County Treasurer’s Office Drop Box located at 730 Wisconsin Avenue, Racine, WI, 53403, mailed to the same address or paid online with Official Payments at https://www.officialpayments.com/pc_template_standard.jsp?body=pc_step2_body.jsp.
Vital Records
Vital Records will be available through the mail, online or through any local Register of Deeds Office (ROD) that is still open to the public. Ordering online is available through the ROD website at https://www.racinecounty.com/government/register-of-deeds/birth-marriage-death-certificates or through the State Vital Records Office in Madison https://www.vitalchek.com/wistorefront/customer/wi/wiHome.xhtml
Marriage Licenses
Please contact the Racine County Clerk’s office regarding any questions about applying for marriage licenses at this time. (262) 636-3121.
Library Services
Visit the Burlington Public Library website to learn about current library operations at https://www.burlingtonlibrary.org/.
Report a Concern
Submit comments, concerns or questions to cityhall@burlington-wi.gov or on the City website at http://burlington-wi.gov/RequestTracker.aspx.
Contact Info
Should you have any questions relating to City Services please call the following numbers or you can always email cityhall@burlington-wi.gov. Please note, staff will respond as soon as they are able.
City Hall: (262) 342-1161
Water Dept and Public Works: (262) 342-1181
Library: (262) 342-1130
Municipal Court: (262) 342-1129
Police (non-emergency): (262 342-1100
Fire (non-emergency): (262) 763-7842
Municipal Court: (262) 342-1129
Building Inspection: (262) 342-1164
Register of Deeds: (262) 636-3208
Racine County Clerk: (262) 636-3121
Racine County Treasurer: (262) 636-3239