News, Union Grove

Village supports continuation of curb cuts

By Dave Fidlin

In an effort to tighten up current ambiguity, Union Grove officials have begun a discussion on the use of curb cuts at new and existing developments.

The practice has been in place for a variety of functions including pedestrian accommodations throughout the community, though some village officials have asserted there are holes in the village code on its use and who ultimately takes responsibility for installation.

The Village Board began a discussion on the policy matter at a meeting May 8, in advance of a potential deeper dive into the topic at a forthcoming Water, Wastewater, Storm Water and Storm Sewer Committee meeting.

At a foundational level, Village President Steve Wicklund said he believes all of the bases are covered.

“We have an ordinance,” Wicklund said. “Obviously, we allow it.”

Trustee Jan Winget suggested further clarification, including provisions for if and when a curb cut would not be permissible.

In an email, included in the Village Board packet, Inspector Jim DeLuca shared his views on curb cuts, asserting he had “no issues” with them.

On a technical matter, DeLuca said curb cuts have minimal impact because the “flange concrete depth is still maintained when the back of the curb is cut off.”

“It also helps prevent asphalt damage to a finished road,” DeLuca added.

If any policy amendments are enacted in the village code, DeLuca offered some insight into the matter.

“Machine cut should be a must to keep it clean versus a hand saw,” DeLuca wrote in his email.

“Curb cut does expose aggregate, but I have not seen any fail at this time.”


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