By Jason Arndt
Our Savior Lutheran Church in Burlington will expand under a site plan application endorsed on July 9 by the Plan Commission.
According to project plans, the proposal consists of a two-story 3,374 square foot addition, which would connect the childcare facility with the congregation’s main structure, which is at 417 S. Kane St.
The two-story addition will also accommodate more administrative office space on the ground level, with the second floor reserved for general use, based on a report from City Planner Andy Cross from the Lakota Group.
According to Cross, the plan should not create parking and setback issues from the expansion.
“No additional landscaping or buffering is required other than some installation of the foundation of the new building,” he said.
Additionally, plans likely won’t cause any neighborhood disruption because of the church’s elevation and landscaping already installed on the property, particularly trees.
“This will have fairly limited visibility, certainly from Gardner Avenue. It has limited visibility because it’s high up and set way back from the street,” Cross said. “Even from Kane Street, there are a lot of trees there blocking it from direct view.”
Our Savior Lutheran Church will include landscaping, particularly shrubs, along the new addition to meet city requirements.
Although Our Savior Lutheran Church will construct a new addition, the congregation doesn’t plan on using the expansion to accommodate more parishioners, Cross wrote in a city document.
“The proposed addition will serve existing functions on the church property and is not associated with an increase in overall church capacity or intensity of use,” Cross wrote.
The new office space will only be limited to pastor’s office hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.
The second floor will primarily be used during worship services on Sundays at 7:30 a.m. and noon.
“No additional off-street parking is required since the addition does not impact the existing capacity,” Cross added.
Additional components include lighting, all of which will be limited to downlighting on the building for the purpose of illuminating walkways and doorways.
“Five recessed lights are proposed around the addition’s main entrance and one wall pack is proposed to provide safety lighting over the rear entrance,” Cross wrote in a memorandum to the Plan Commission.
The City of Burlington Fire Department, which reviewed the application, recommended approval contingent upon the church securing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
City engineering consultant Kapur and Associates also recommended approval.
Mayor Jon E. Schultz said he doesn’t view the addition as an issue in the neighborhood.
“There is a lot of shielding from trees and whatnot,” he said. “This will not have a huge impact on the neighborhood.”
Schultz asked church representatives about the expected construction timeframe.
Jim Filer Sr., of Our Savior Lutheran Church, anticipates work will begin next month with estimated completion by early next year.