National speaker slated to attend
Veterans Terrace in Burlington will again this year host the Racine County Economic Development Corporation’s anniversary celebration featuring a keynote address from the president of the National Manufacturing Institute.
The event, which includes awards for Burlington Mayor Bob Miller and the Absolutely Waterford organization, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16, from 4:30-6 p.m.
The public is invited, however, space is limited, according to officials with the RCEDC. The cost is $25 and includes an appetizer and networking reception following the program.
The event will include an update on Challenge One Progress and Initiatives; community award presentations to Miller; Absolutely Waterford; Tom Burke, CEO of Modine Manufacturing; and Dave Perkins, president and CEO of Racine Federated.

The highlight of the gathering will be the speech by Jennifer McNelly, president of the National Manufacturing Institute. She plans to speak on “The Talent Crisis: Building a 21st Century Manufacturing Workforce.”
According to literature distributed by RCEDC, manufacturers nationally are facing a talent crisis: 2.7 million manufacturing team members are reaching retirement; 30 percent of high school students are dropping out; only 20 percent of high school students are encouraged to pursue manufacturing; and 82 percent of manufacturers can’t find skilled workers
McNelly is expected to address the questions all business owners face – Who has the drive, experience, and skills to join my team? Who can I trust with the most advanced, expensive equipment I own? Who should I hire?
The Institute will also highlight how partners in the region and state are organizing to advance the next generation manufacturing workforce to meet the talent crisis.
Those interested in attending may register online at