By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff writer
A City of Burlington police officer is facing a criminal citation after what appears to have been a domestic incident shortly after Christmas.
Andrew Brierly was charged with disorderly conduct – a Class B misdemeanor – in Walworth County Circuit court Tuesday.
Brierly has been employed by the City of Burlington police department since February 2008.
According to Walworth County Circuit Court records, the incident took place sometime shortly after Christmas. A bail/bond hearing was held Dec. 27, and a temporary restraining order was issued on Dec. 28.
The temporary restraining order – which has since been put into place for four years – was listed for reasons of “domestic abuse,” and at the injunction hearing Jan. 4, three photos indicating possible injuries to the party in question were entered as exhibits.
City of Burlington Police Chief Peter Nimmer had only a brief statement on the incident, and declined to get into any specifics.
“He has been placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation,” said Nimmer, who added that the department is committed to being transparent, but could not comment on internal policy.
As part of Brierly’s bond, he is required not to have any contact with the victim, and can only carry a weapon while he is working as a police officer.
He was released on a $2,000 bond. Brierly pleaded not guilty Tuesday morning in front of Judge Robert Kennedy.
An open records request submitted Tuesday for a copy of the police report had not received a response prior to deadline for this story.