Residents warned to keep garden waste out of curbside
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff Writer
The City of Burlington Common Council approved a new ordinance Tuesday night that asks city residents to keep garden waste and sticks out of curbside leaf piles.
The ordinance defines garden waste as tomato plants, pumpkins and the like. The garden waste as well as sticks and brush have the potential to jam up the city’s leaf collection machine.
A door hanger will be distributed informing city residents of the new ordinance if there are violations. It refers any questions to the Department of Public Works at (262) 539-3770.
City officials have agreed to leave the door hanger on the first instance of the ordinance not being obeyed. In the case of repeated violations, residents could be cited for putting the garden waste into the leaf piles.
In other council action last week:
• The City Council approved City Administrator Kevin Lahner as the city’s authorized representative to file applications for the city in Safe Drinking Water Loans to fund the wastewater treatment plant upgrades.
Lahner replaces Connie Wilson, who retired in August.
• The Committee of the Whole briefly discussed the submittal of an application for an urban forestry project grant, which would be a payback of 50 percent of money spent to study the effect of emerald ash borers on ash trees in the city.
The city estimated the cost to be about $36,000, and hopes to regain half that.
Keep Sticks and Non Leaf Items out? Yeah, Right..
Sure..Your Dreaming..
It’s the cost of owning a home..
Project grants? Why not just Charge everyone that uses it? We had a $5 per Large Bag system
Buy a Shredder machine, chop it all up, put it in a Bag and City Picks it up..
What’s next? Is the City going to come Shovel my Driveway for me too?
It’s a cost of Owning a home..
Wow really I save that stuff up all year long so I can put it out on the curb when they pick up yard trash. I know many others that do the same . if the city did not make it a hassle for normal city lawn and landscaping stuff to be handled like many other cities I’ve lived in then they would not be using a vacuum truck to do the job of an end loader. THe City maintenance or garage has not been any good since the mayor settled a personal dispute with Larry by Fireing him as soon as he got elected.