McCarthy’s take event to a higher level
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff writer
For the McCarthy family, the annual Hope Walk has always been about their father – and about family.
John McCarthy, who owned McCarthy-Koenig Furniture and a funeral home of the same name, died 21 years ago of colon cancer. And while his wife, Theresa, says the family’s involvement in the Hope Walk “is in memory of him,” it is also in memory of what he taught the family.
“He was in the community here,” said daughter JoAnne Breske. “He taught us to do everything for the community. He was very much a community man.
“We want to give back to the community.”
Now, with the 13th year of the Hope Walk sporting a new format, the family hopes that the community will give back to the charities the Hope Walk supports.
Ten children, 21 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren strong, the McCarthy family will be one of 21 teams with campsites in the new one-day format.
Each campsite will celebrate this year’s theme of “Make Every Day a Holiday,” as each campsite will present its favorite holiday.
For the McCarthy family with its Irish roots, St. Patrick’s Day was a natural choice.
“We are Irish,” said Terry McCarthy. “We claim it.
Added Kathy Kresken, “Or we think we are.”
The McCarthy site will feature a mini-makeover both for little girls, as well as a sponge toss, where for a coupon, you get three sponges to throw at such celebrities as Burlington High School football coach Hans Block, or Catholic Central football coach Tom Aldrich.
There will also be a putting game (three putts per ticket) and the cookie walk – the McCarthy family’s version of musical chairs.
Those coupons will earn those coming to the event a chance at a variety of different games and prizes.
“It’s sort of a mini street fair,” said Terry McCarthy.
One site will have a beanbag toss, while another will offer a “Pin the tail on the donkey” game for kids to win candy prizes.
The Scherrer booth will have single carnations available for any kind of donations, while the Jaycees will have a rummage sale.
In addition, there will be numerous raffle baskets from each of the various teams, replacing the former silent auction.
The Hope Walk will run from 8 a.m. to midnight, starting with the new Fun Run/Walk and pancake breakfast, and also featuring bands and a turkey dinner that begins at 6 p.m.
As night falls, the annual “Candles of Hope” ceremony will ring the track, as candles are lit in memory of those who have battled life-limiting illness.
Beneficiaries of the Hope Walk funds that are raised include the University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Care Center, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Aurora Health Care and the Aurora Visiting Nurse Association.
Run/walk added to Hope Walk lineup
As the Hope Walk celebrates its 13th year of existence, part of this year’s format changes includes adding a new event to the schedule.
The first-ever 2012 Hope Walk 5K Fun Run will be Saturday at 8 a.m., starting behind Burlington High School. The event is being run by Anderson/Bauman Chiropractic, and race packets can be picked up at their office or in person at the company’s booth the day of the race.
There will be a 5K fun run and a 2-mile walk. Runners and walkers will take to the streets of Burlington, from the high school into surrounding subdivisions and then back to the high school for a pancake breakfast.
Runners may register at Anderson/Bauman Chiropractic, 733 North Pine Street through Friday, with the cost being $25. Registration the day of the event is $35, and will be done at the Anderson/Bauman booth.
The cost includes a commemorative t-shirt. Participants are asked to choose a size carefully, as no exchanges will be allowed.