Simenson won’t run for City Council
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff Writer
City of Burlington Alderman Steve Rauch announced last month that he will not seek re-election, and now another City Council member has followed that route as well.

Alderwoman Katie Simenson said Tuesday that she will not be seeking re-election in the spring.
“I’ve done everything I possibly can,” Simenson said. “I really enjoyed working with the constituents.”
Simenson said she is proud of the work she’s done, even though she’s taken criticism for her vocal stance on several different issues – most notably, opposing the sale of the former Department of Public Works building on Milwaukee Avenue in 2011.
That sale was brokered by former Mayor Claude Lois and Bear Reality, and Simenson stood up with Rauch against the transaction – which eventually fell through.
Simenson has also been perhaps the most fiscally conservative member of the City Council, protesting expenditures for reasons that range from the desire to not do things as the city always has to wanting to see more bids.
“I stood by what I believed in,” said Simenson. “I spoke up, even when it wasn’t always the popular decision.”
Simenson is the Fourth District’s representative up for re-election, while Rauch is the Third District’s.
First District Alderman Bob Prailes and Second District Alderman Peter Hintz both confirmed Tuesday night that they would be seeking new terms in the spring election.
Barrett to leave School Board
With Burlington Area School District School Board meetings seemingly under more scrutiny these days due to the presence of the conservative group “We Vote,” the board will be losing some experience this spring.

Long-time board member Scott Barrett confirmed Monday that he will not be seeking re-election in the April election.
Barrett declined to cite the turmoil the board has been under for the last year, instead saying that after starting his own business, he just doesn’t have the time to devote to the School Board.
“I started my own Kronos Consulting business about six months ago,” said Barrett Monday night following the BASD School Board Policy Committee meeting. “I’m very busy and I just don’t have the time to dedicate to the board anymore.
“I thought it would be a good time to fulfill my obligations (then bow out),” he added.
Larry Anderson, the other board member up for re-election, has confirmed he will be running come April.
Other prospective candidates have until Wednesday, Jan. 2, to declare their intent to run for the School Board. Prospective candidates may complete the paperwork required to seek a board position at the school district office.