By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff Writer

City of Burlington Alderman Steve Rauch announced at Nov. 20 City Council meeting that he will not seek a fourth term.
Rauch, who represents the 3rd District, read from a statement during the aldermanic reports, saying the demands on his time by his family and an out-of-state job have become too much.
“The past five and a half years have been a positive experience and I look forward to serving out the remainder of my term,” Rauch said.
Mayor Bob Miller followed with, “I will be sorry to see you go.”
In other matters at the meeting:
• Student representatives to the City Council and other groups, as appointed by Partners2, were officially approved.
Those students include: Cullen Vos and Alexa Aguirre to the Common Council; Caitlin Yonash and Biannca Clayton to the Plan Commission; Adam Schuster and Elle Reda to the Library Board; Kalle Johnson and Hannah Wills to the Historic Preservation Council and Sawyer Gilding as an alternate to the HPC; Rosie Uhen to the Airport Commission; Greg Miller and Haley Jurecki to the Park Board; and Kiya White to the Park Board as an alternate.
• The Common Council unanimously approved rezoning 6730 South Pine Street from single-family residential to neighborhood business district.
• The initial public hearing for the proposed 2013 budget was opened and closed with no discussion. Although the tax levy for the budget is up over 2012’s, City officials have predicted that most property owners should see lower tax bills thanks to expansion of the tax base due to the retirement of a tax incremental financing district.
What I see about this guy, he is not afraid be face to face with issues. Most of the other members just agree with each other and go home.