Heiligenthal honored aiding youth sports
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff writer
For long-time Burlington resident Stan Heiligenthal, being involved in youth baseball and helping out youngsters around the community was never a matter of duty.
It was just what he did.
Heiligenthal’s commitment to youth sports – including his longtime involvement in Burlington’s Little League program – was acknowledged Feb. 20 as he earned the Frank Tobin award from the local Kiwanis Club.
The award is given each year by the Burlington Kiwanis to a community member who has been a strong presence in the community and who best represents the Kiwanis mission of helping children.
Heiligenthal was presented the award by Attorney Tim Boyle, the Frank Tobin award committee chairman. When he came up to speak, Heiligenthal thanked his wife, Jean, for her constant support, and also Jim Wanasek, who had helped out with numerous Burlington improvement projects.
“Hopefully, there will be more guys like me who come along and do all the work,” Heiligenthal explained.
In addition to being active in youth baseball as a coach and organizer, Heiligenthal served on the Baseball 2000 Committee to improve Beaumont Field from 2000-2005.
The field has become one of the top fields in the country, earning several national awards, and has hosted numerous WIAA and American Legion tournaments.
Heiligenthal got his start in baseball field work by building a field on property behind his home. It is still used today for T-ball and little league practice.
He still helps prepare the St. Mary’s Lincoln Street baseball fields.
Heiligenthal served in the Wisconsin National Guard, headed Boy Scout Troop 334 for six years and is still active on the American Legion Baseball Committee.
The Frank Tobin Award is not necessarily awarded to a Kiwanis Member, but rather to a member of the Burlington community who promotes through his/her actions and involvment in community activies that focus on the youth of Burlington, and the Burlington area.
The photo caption has been updated to accurately reflect that information. Thanks for your input. We apologize for the error.