Fundraiser exceeds its goal
By Ed Nadolski
Editor in chief
It didn’t take long for the generous people of Burlington to meet and exceed the fundraising goal set by the Transitional Living Center’s “Live Outside the Box” campaign.
The month-long effort amassed $13,000 for the operation of the local non-profit agency, which provides emergency and short-term housing, along with other services, for people in crisis.
“We got $5,000 within two and a half weeks (of launching the campaign),” said Cristen Chaffe, director of TLC.
That number is significant because those dollars were matched by an anonymous donor, pushing the total to $5,000.
The campaigned pressed on and brought in an additional $3,000 before wrapping up late last week.
Chaffee said for each $5,000 raised, the agency can provide housing for 20 women and children for 40 nights. The $13,000 total equates to 104 nights.
She said the money could also be used for any of the various support services the agency provides people in need.
“Anything they need to get through the program,” Chaffee said.
TLC partnered with Fox River State Bank for the campaign and – thanks to the bank’s marketing director Erin Anderson – its progress was measured in a unique way.
For each $250 donated, exterior features were added to a miniature house that was displayed just outside the bank’s main doors. What started as two cardboard appliance boxes ended up as a well-decorated playhouse complete with welcome mat and roof shingles.
Chaffee said Anderson’s creativity made the fundraiser fun for donors and organizers.
While this campaign is over, Chaffee stressed that TLC’s need for community support is ongoing. To donate or request additional information, call (262) 767-1478 or visit the agency’s website at tlcburlington.com.