
Burlington declares state of emergency over flooding concerns

Some streets and parks are likely to close as water rises as much as 3 feet over flood stage

Due to significant rainfall and potential flooding in the City of Burlington, Mayor Robert Miller has declared a state of emergency invoking emergency government operations until further notice.

City staff is actively monitoring current conditions and potential for flooding.

According to local officials, the water level in the Fox River is predicted to go as high as 14 feet – 3 feet over flood stage.

Property owners are encouraged to monitor the Fox River and White River water levels and expect increased flooding by the weekend.

Flooding at the 14-foot level will lead to street and park closures and officials strongly advise residents not to drive around barricades.

Due to strong water currents, individuals are also cautioned against boating on the Fox River at this time.

The city will provide sand and bags to property owners within flood zones. Materials are available for pickup at 834 Milwaukee Avenue (old Public Works facility). Residents should enter the site off of Maryland Avenue.

Those who need sandbags should their own shovels and be prepared to fill bags. Elderly or disabled residents who need assistance placing sandbags should contact City Hall at (262) 342-1168. This site will remain open as long as deemed necessary.

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