
City to offer e-cycle option

Here is a map indicating where the electronics recycling drop-off station is located on the grounds of the Burlington Department of Public Works facility on South Pine Street. (Courtesy City of Burlington)

Electronics can be dropped at DPW facility beginning in March

By Jennifer Eisenbart

Staff Writer

With new laws passed in 2010 that prohibit electronic waste being dumped with the rest of the trash, finding places to get rid of items like computers and televisions has been tricky.

But as of March 4, the City of Burlington will have a new feature – free electronic recycling at the Department of Public Works at 2200 South Pine Street.

The city has arranged with DP Electronic Recycling of Elkhorn to have aluminum bins placed at the facility. They will be just inside the north gate of the DPW site.

The types of electronics that can be disposed of include:

• computers (desktops, laptops and tablets)

• desktop printers

• computer monitors

• televisions

• DVD players, VCRs and DVDs

• fax machines

• mice and keyboards

• other computer accessories including hard drives, speakers, flash drives and modems.

In a press release, DPW Supervisor Dan Jensen said DP will accept “virtually anything that can be plugged into a wall and/or runs on batteries.” That includes vacuum cleaners, microwaves and stereo equipment, but not major appliances such as washers and dryers or refrigerators.

For more information, contact DP Electronic Recycling at (262) 723-2550, or the DPW at (262) 539-3770.

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