Troupe to stage ‘Kiss Me, Kate’ beginning next week
By Jennifer Eisenbart
Staff Writer
The music of Cole Porter and antics of two divorced actors playing opposite each other hit the stage in the classic musical “Kiss Me, Kate” presented by the Haylofters at the Malt House Theater this summer.
Performances are: July 11-14, 18-21, and 25-28; Thursday-Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. The show is directed by Don Fresen.
Tickets are $12, and available at The Grater Tater in Burlington, or The Coffee House at Chestnut and Pine. Box office tickets are available one hour before show time, depending on availability.
Porter’s musical brings together the characters of Fred and Lilli – a divorced couple performing a musical Fred has written to Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.” A fight on opening night threatens production, and a handful of thugs join the show as well when an IOU leads to a case of mistaken identity.
The characters alternate between the roles they are in on stage, and their “real” personas for era in which the play was set – the 1940s.
Classic songs from the show include “Another Op’nin’, Another Show,” “Wunderbar,” “I Hate Men,” and “Too Darn Hot.”
In the lead role of Lilli is Haylofters veteran Jenny Hoffman. Opposite her is fellow veteran Rob King in the role of Fred.
The full cast list follows:
Lilli/Kate: Jenny Hoffman
Fred/Patruchio: Rob King
Lois/Bianca: Kaitlin Kobernick
Bill/Lucentio: Jeremiah Miculichek
Paul: Jesse Hurst
Hattie: Grace Caringello
Pops: Bob Hartwick
General: Len Hedges
Ralph/Ensemble: Ty Agnes
Riley/Hortensio: John Kobernick
Harry/Baptista: Bil Luth
Flynt/Gremio: Zach Spencer
Gangsters: Mike Cha, Max Easley, Dan Casey
Quartet: Kim Casey, Amber Fox, Jandrea Novak, Barb Hedges-Goettl.
Wardrobe lady: Barb Hedges-Goettl.
Stagehand: Chandler Agnes.
Ensemble: Chandler Agnes, Ashley Anderson, Kim Casey, Nina Fiegel, Amber Fox, Lyssa Haglund, Marisa Janaky, Leah Nickolai, Jandrea Novak, Ty Agnes.
Director: Don Fresen
Producer: Missa Rodriguez
Choreographer: Arlene Rodriguez
Accompanist: Janet Palmer
Tech Director: Dylan Epping
Wig master: Anthony Mackie