Animal had strayed from north before it was killed
By Bob Peryea
State wildlife officials have determined a hunter illegally shot a wolf in Spring Prairie Township during the deer gun hunting season in November.
The hunter, whose name was not released, received a citation.
According to Game Warden Juan Gomez of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the hunter shot the animal on land owned by someone else, a violation of state hunting laws.
A wolf in this part of the state is rare, but not unprecedented.
In explaining the presence of the wolf in Walworth County, Gomez said, “This is not traditional wolf range. This was a disperser from the northern part of the state.”
Dispersers, he explained, are generally young males who have left or been forced out of their pack and go out in search of their own territory and a mate.
“This is not the first one (this far south),” he said. “One was spotted in Black River Falls. Another – one with one of our radio collars on it – was found in Illinois.” Another wolf was found in Dane County.
Gomez said it was unlikely that there are many more wolves in the area.
Many of the illegal wolf shootings occur, according to Gomez, when people mistake a wolf for a coyote. Hunters are cautioned to learn the difference, as shooting the wrong animal may lead to a citation.
The wolf shot in Spring Prairie Township fit the profile of dispersed wolf: it was a young male that appeared to be searching for a range and a mate of his own.
Just like any Wild animal, they are not Dangeous if Well Fed and not Injured or Have Rabies
And how do you know the difference if they are or not? Same goes for a Pit Bull on the loose
Ws the Animal Stalking the Hunter? Lurking Him? Was going to Attack? What’s the Fine for the Citation?
Ask Farmers if they want Wovles and Cyotes Protected ?
listen, Animals are just that Animals. They have to survive by any means. They dont judge their prey other than not being a victim themselves. Thats what they do to survive. So if they come around my place, they are looking for a easy meal of anything, including small pets and small humans. coyotes are not in town because they want to, its just an easy meal.
Wolves are paranoid of and avoid humans..they recognize humans as the most dangerous threat to life on this planet. And “hunters” are never victims, just like murderers, they’re fair game. They’re doing their “sport” for the thrill of inflicting pain and death. I don’t mind if the playing field is leveled and wolves or deer take out lots of hunters. That’s what the “hunters” want, that’s what they get.
You’re a smart one eh Mark? Unless you are vegetarian your point has no validity. If I see a wolve I’d shoot it in the face. Not to eat it but because it is eating what I want to eat. .. And if you are a vegetearian, my food poops on your food.
Andy you are an (deleted) , bigger than any known…You would shoot your own mother if you got some money from her..
My mom is already dead she was attacked by a wolf.
It attacked her just before I was going to shoot her for her money. I hunted the wolf down and shot it. I then stuffed it and use it for target practice with my bow. The wolf also pooped on your food as do all animals.
Andy, Mark is right, deer have been attacking people one by one and I think they are conspiring to do more damage. I am going to go watch more CBS, NBC, and ABC as those people speak the truth about everything; hopefully they cover this after they talk about Michelle Obama’s bangs.
You are dead wrong. Wolves do not always avoid humans. When I was in the north woods walking my dog the wolves that encircled me and my dog certainly didnt ignore me or perceive me to be a threat. They wanted to kill my dog. I know that they were after my dog but if I was such huge threat to wolves why did they ignore me? Also explain the recent attacks on people in Canada by wolves. Using your logic those wolves should have ignored of been afraid of the terrible humans.