
School Board forum is canceled

The forum for candidates in the Burlington Area School District Board of Education primary election scheduled for Thursday evening has been canceled.

The event, sponsored by the Burlington Standard Press, had been slated to begin at 7 p.m. at Veterans Terrace in Burlington.

“As the snow has continued to pile up this afternoon with no end in sight, our greatest concern became the safety of the candidates and those who planned to attend the event,” Standard Press Editor Ed Nadolski said. “After learning that all after-school activities had been canceled and consulting the forecast for this afternoon and evening, it became clear that canceling the forum is best.”

Due to several logistic concerns, the forum will not be rescheduled prior to the Feb. 19 primary election.

“We’re tentatively planning to host a forum for the four candidates who advance to the general election in April,” Nadolski said.


  1. This is disappointing. This would have helped folks hear what the real positions of each candidate were, and what their qualifications and experiences were. Simply stating in a sign that one is a conservative does not really say much. I think that almost every normal person feels that they are conservative. Is that a code word for tea party? If so, then it is a code word for anti-public education as that group has promoted spending public money on private school including e-schools without the same restrictions and oversight. That is why we needed a forum. We need clarity.

  2. Jennifer Eisenbart

    I’d just like to second Ed’s comments. We, too, were disappointed that we were forced to cancel last night.