Haylofters show runs through October
By Jennifer Eisenbart
The story of a real-estate agent with a hatred of the Yankees, a devil with a weakness for an escape clause and the possibility of the Washington Nationals winning the pennant opened a nine-show run at Burlington’s Malt House Theater this week.
A cast of veterans takes the stage for “Damn Yankees” in the Haylofters’ production. Performances are Thursday through Saturday, Oct. 8-10 and Oct. 15-17, and Friday through Sunday Oct. 23-25.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 p.m., with Sunday shows at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $15, and are available at the Coffee House at Chestnut and Pine, or online at thehaylofters.com for a small service fee. Tickets may also be purchased at the box office beginning one hour before curtain, depending on availability.
“Damn Yankees” won seven Tony Awards in 1957, including Best Musical. It tells the story of Joe Hardy, a diehard Nationals fan who makes a deal with the devil to have one last shot at helping his team beat the Yankees for the pennant.
The cast includes Rob King as Mr. Applegate – AKA, the devil – Zach Spencer as Joe Hardy and Jandrea Novak as Lola, a career right-hand lady of the devil himself.
Van Buren: Bill Corey
Bouley: Jason Davis
Hoving: Dylan Epping
Miss Weston: Nina Fiegel
Joe Boyd: Don Fresen
Commissioner: Bob Hartwick
Postmistress: Phyllis Hartwick
Sohovik: Aiden King
Vernon: Gabe King
Mr. Applegate: Rob King
Smokey: Brandon Marchetti
Lola: Jandrea Novak
Rocky: Zach Opal
Doris: Diane Pawasarat
Gloria: A.J. Prange
Mr. Welch: Ed Spencer
Meg Boyd: Lenore Swoboda
Sister Miller: Marti Todd
Ensemble: Madeline Morrell, Monica Regner.
Understudy Commissioner: Scott McQuillan
Director: Julie Patten
Choreographer: Arlene Rodriguez
Costumer: Sue Taylor
Music: Larry Palmer, Allison Sorenson, Janet Palmer
Backstage manager/security guard: Al Murin.