Company wants to build gas station-convenience store in downtown Burlington
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
Although a city consultant recommended approval, a proposed Casey’s General Store on Dodge Street was not eye appealing enough for members of the Burlington Plan Commission, which opted to postpone all items related to the project at Tuesday’s meeting.
The proposal involves the removal of the former Vorpagel Service, Inc., building at 124 Dodge St. build a 4,600-square-foot gas station and convenience store on that site and a vacant adjacent lot.
As proposed, the Casey’s General Store will have a fuel canopy with eight fuel islands along with two underground storage tanks.
City Planner Tanya Fonseca, of Graef, who reviewed the plan, recommended approval to all items based solely on compliance with city ordinances.
“Generally, everything is compliant with this plan,” she said.
The commission tabled the rezoning request along with a certified survey map amendment, a conditional use permit and site plan application.
The comprehensive plan shows the land use designation as industrial, which does not meet the commercial proposal, according to a Graef memorandum, which necessitates the rezoning.
Members of the Plan Commission had cosmetic concerns, including a flat roof, a dark brick exterior and the double facade.
Plan commissioner Andy Tully said the proposed store exterior does not mesh with neighboring properties.
Meanwhile, aldermanic representatives Bob Grandi and Tom Vos each agreed the brick should be a different color, rather than the dark brown included on the conceptual drawings.
An upgraded proposal is likely to be submitted to the commission in January.
To read the full story and see a photo of the current site, pick up a copy of the Dec. 14 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.