Overpass will be removed to create second access to educational campus
By Ed Nadolski
Editor in Chief
The Department of Transportation plans to begin later this month the removal of the Highway 142 overpass at McCanna Parkway and installation of a roundabout intersection at the site.
Officials are expected to meet any day now to finalize plans, according to Dan Sellers, a communications specialist with the DOT. Work is slated to begin in late April and will continue until late summer or early fall, Sellers said.
The actual start date will be determined at the preconstruction meeting, he said. The cost will be paid by state and federal sources.
Because the major portion of the project involves leveling the overpass that spans the White River Trail – a former railroad corridor – and installing the roundabout, Highway 142 will be closed to through traffic for much of the project. Traffic will be detoured along Highway 83 and Durand Avenue to the Burlington bypass, Sellers said.
In addition to installing the roundabout, the project includes resurfacing a four-mile stretch of Highway 142 (Bushnell Road) from Edgewood Street on the west to Highway J on the east. The interchange with the Highway 11/36/83 bypass is excluded from the resurfacing project.
The resurfacing will include improvements to the intersections at Brever Road, Wheatland Road, Womack Lane, Shagbark Lane, Horseshoe Trail and Highway J, according to Sellers.
See this week’s Burlington Standard Press for the complete story.