Burlington High celebrates homecoming
Students at Burlington High School are celebrating “Blacklight Nights” this week as part of the school’s annual homecoming.
The week of school spirit-building activities began Saturday with the Demon Dash run and continued during the school week with a series of dress-up days and activities, according to teacher Angie Thole, the homecoming advisor.
Monday was class color day, Tuesday was pajama day, Wednesday was sports jersey day, Thursday is farmer in flannel day and Friday is black and orange day.
Lunchtime movies, dodge ball and karaoke were among the other planned activities.
An all-school pep assembly is scheduled for Friday afternoon. The assembly will culminate with the crowning of the homecoming king and queen.
The Demons varsity football team will host Elkhorn at 7 p.m. at Don Dalton Stadium.
The homecoming dance runs from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the school on Saturday.
Members of the homecoming court are Theodore Banken, Tommy Burinda, Adriana Castillo, Nate Crayton, Shawna Drew, Samuel Jorudd, Andrew Kawalec, Josie Klein, Nick Klug, Raylee Koehnke, Abby Koenen, Jacob Ludwig, Riley Nelson, Sean Safar, Ashley Schmalfeldt, Jenna Schmalfeldt, MaKenzie Swantz, Gabby Vela, Haley Walesa and Shandon Walton.