City will now determine conditional uses for gas station/convenience store
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
By unanimous decision at Tuesday’s meeting, the Burlington Common Council approved two items related to Casey’s General Store, which is planning to build a gas station and convenience store on Dodge Street.
Casey’s plans to construct a 4,600-square foot store with a fuel canopy, eight fuel islands, two underground fuel storage tanks, along with 47 parking spaces on the 1.64-acre parcel at 100-124 Dodge St.
The approval of the certified survey map and an amendment to rezone the properties from B-1 District and M-1 District to B-2 District moves the proposal one step closer.
The next step, according to City Attorney John Bjelejac, involves a conditional use permit drafted by the Plan Commission.
“The Plan Commission will go through some conditional use issues,” said Bjelejac, who responded to a question posed by District 3 Alderman Jon Schultz before the vote.
To read the full story, pick up a copy of the Feb. 8 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.