
Community prayer breakfast is Thursday


Burlington’s sixth annual prayer breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, May 3, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Veterans Terrace, 589 Milwaukee Ave.

Tickets, at $10 per person, will be available at the door. Registration begins at 7 a.m. Non-perishable food items will be collected for a local food pantry.

The event, organized and sponsored by Thrivent Financial’s Shoreline group, coincides with the National Day of Prayer.

The morning of prayer and reflection is organized under the theme of unity. Breakfast will be catered by Gooseberries.

The keynote speaker this year is the Honorable Rev. Everett D. Mitchell, a circuit court judge and minister from Madison, according to organizers.

Worship leader Zach Steinbach, of Cedarburg, will provide the music for the event.

Organizers said registrations for this year are more than double the 88 who attended in 2017.

Following the event students from Burlington’s Catholic grade schools will gather in adjacent Echo Park for a half hour of song and prayer.

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