Local bands find purpose in connecting with fans
By Southern Lakes Newspapers staff
When the temperatures rise and tents go up, the performance season kicks into high gear for locally based bands.
Many of their members take time away from families and play late into the night only to show up at their regular jobs early the next day.
The festivals are the most fun, they say, but you never know what’s going to happen when playing a wedding or bar gig.
Sometimes the money doesn’t cover all the costs. But that, after all, isn’t why they do this.
They do it for the love of music and the thrill of the performance.
The story in Thursday’s edition of the Burlington Standard Press profiles three local cover bands that are popular in the area – Bella Cain, Burro Creek and Lunchmoney Bullies.
Here’s an excerpt:
The five band members of Lunchmoney Bullies have mastered the balance between work and play. Each member maintains a separate career, while also playing in the band.
The group boasts seven years of getting paid to do what they love: perform cover songs.
Loosely based out of the Waterford and Burlington areas, the members of Lunchmoney Bullies hold down a diverse set of jobs.
“Every single one of us has another job. I’m a hairdresser, one guy works at Abbott Labs and one is a computer genius,” lead vocalist Jamie Barrons said.
Lunchmoney Bullies does not confine itself to one genre of music while picking their covers.
“We play pretty much everything, except for opera I guess. We call ourselves the fourth best cover band in Western Racine County. People have a lot of fun at our shows,” Barrons said.
To read the full story see the Aug. 2 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.