Unification plan will roll out over next two years
By Ed Nadolski
Editor in Chief
Burlington’s two Catholic grade schools have begun the process of unification following the official release last week of a recommendation from a committee that has been studying the proposal the past nine months.

St. Charles Borromeo and St. Mary Catholic grade schools will become a single entity for the 2018-19 school year. However, unification of the student body and school facilities will wait until the following year, according to the recommendation presented to the Burlington-area Tri-Parish Catholic Council by the School Unification Steering Committee on Jan. 16.
“This phased approach will allow the new administration to become established and provide additional time to ensure the financial plan and facilities usage plan can be properly investigated and vetted,” committee members wrote in the recommendation.
In a letter to parishioners dated Jan. 17, the Rev. James Volkert, pastor of the tri-parish cluster that includes St. Charles, St. Joseph (Lyons) and St. Mary, asked members to join him in praying for the success of “this exciting and vital endeavor.”
“The purpose of this unification process is to create a model that strengthens and grows Catholic education in our grade school, promotes K-12 Catholic formation and education with a strong, vibrant partnership with Catholic Central High School,” Volkert wrote.
The unification plan follows a vision for regional collaboration advanced in recent years by the Milwaukee Archdiocese, according to Volkert.
“…We have chosen to take a proactive approach toward collaboration for our Catholic schools in Burlington to ensure long-term sustainability and viability,” he wrote, further noting that three area grade schools have closed in the past five years and school-age enrollment in the Burlington area continues to decline.
To read the full story pick up a copy of the Jan. 25 edition of the Burlington Standard Press. The newspaper is available at retail outlets throughout the area.