But process went smoothly, according to city official
By Ed Nadolski
Editor in Chief
Hundreds of area residents disposed of hazardous household waste including chemicals, drugs and electronics during the annual Clean Sweep event held at the City of Burlington Public Works facility on Saturday.
Seven area communities joined forces to host the event backed by funding from a state grant.
Saturday’s event attracted 577 vehicles, which is down 185 from the 2017 total of 762.
“This was my first involvement with this event and I was very impressed,” said Burlington Public Works Directory Peter Riggs. “Our member agencies have been planning and coordinating this event since January and it was great to see such a positive outcome for all of that hard work.”
Residents from the city and town of Burlington accounted for 65 percent of the vehicles. The complete breakdown is: City of Burlington 41 percent; Town of Burlington 24 percent; Village of Waterford 13 percent; Village of Rochester 13 percent; Village of Union Grove 3 percent; Town of Dover 3 percent; and Town of Yorkville 3 percent.
“Participants did experience a wait time to drop off their material, but some of that is unavoidable,” Riggs said. “Once in the collection site they were able to move through the site safely and drop off all of their material without having to leave their vehicles.”
To read the complete story see the May 3 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.