Agreement with city covers some weekend hours
By Jason Arndt
The City of Burlington Fire Department plans to hire advanced emergency medical technicians on a temporary basis to help staff Burlington Rescue Squad, Inc., the non-profit organization providing emergency medical and transport services to area since 1946.
The decision, effective in 2019, comes after the Burlington Common Council approved an amended agreement between the two organizations at a Dec. 10 closed session.
It marks the first time in its history the Rescue Squad has had to seek staffing with non-volunteer personnel.
On Wednesday, Fire Chief Alan Babe said the agreement covers weekend shifts, starting on Fridays from 4 until 10 p.m. along with Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.
“We are going to staff an advanced EMT in those given hours to be able to assist the Burlington Rescue during those time periods,” said Babe.
Babe reports the Burlington Common Council in the closed session meeting Dec. 10 agreed the costs will not exceed $70,000, which will be reimbursed by Burlington Rescue Squad.
To read the entire story see the Dec. 27 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.