Proceeds from flower field donated to senior center, township
By Jason Arndt
Jennifer and Joe Greeter – owners of the sunflower field dubbed the ‘Happy Field’ by visitors this summer – decided to put some of the proceeds from the field back into the community last week.
The Greeters, of the Town of Burlington, donated $1,000 to their municipality and another $1,200 to the Burlington Senior Center.
“They are just happy flowers, and our field this year got nicknamed ‘Happy Field’ by customers and we had an overwhelming response,” Jennifer Greeter said at the last Thursday’s Burlington Town Board meeting.
The overwhelming response, according to Jennifer, was not anticipated after she and her husband decided to open their sunflower field on Highway 83 near the Burlington bypass.
Initially, she posted the sale on social media.
“We had a significant number of people that came from Chicago and north of Milwaukee,” she said. “What grew was the people putting it on social media.”
Through discussions with customers, she realized they came for more than just buying sunflowers, noting the field became a draw because of its photo-worthy qualities.
The overwhelming response, meanwhile, created unexpected revenue.
Instead of keeping funds to themselves, the Greeters decided to donate some of the proceeds to the Town of Burlington and the Senior Center, which became a focal point for Jennifer Greeter.
“We actually had not been to the Senior Center before (Sept. 13), but it was something that sat with me a lot because of the situation I was in with my grandma and her health was declining,” she said.
“When my husband and I got married, the flowers that we had for our wedding were brought to my grandma’s assisted living facility.”
Taking the experience under consideration, and after hearing of the Burlington Senior Center’s financial standing at City Council meetings, Greeter knew the donation was the right action to take.
To read the entire story and see an additional photo pick up a copy of the Sept. 20 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.