Janesville man named top fibber of 2018
By Jason Arndt
Carrying on a nearly 90-year-old tradition, the Burlington Liars Club dubbed Chuck Goldstein, of Janesville, as the biggest fibber for 2018.
The contest, according to the Liars Club, has been running annually since 1929 and has gained worldwide attention.

“Over the years, the winning lies have covered a range of topics from weather to politics to family life. Whatever the topic, both the entrant and reader are guaranteed a good laugh,” the Liars Club website states.
In his entry, Goldstein noted the recent worldwide trend of people trying to find their humble roots using a database.
“I got my DNA tested by Ancestry and found out that I’m 1/16 German Shepard.”
The two runners-up, both of Wisconsin, got their inspiration from a home improvement project and from family dynamics, respectively.
Eve Dutkiewicz, of Kenosha, earned second place:
“I cleaned my two-car garage so well that it turned into a three-car garage.”
Delavan’s Dale Wheelock stretched the truth about his mother-in-law:
“I don’t want to say my mother-in-law is bossy, but when she takes her teeth out at bedtime they nag my father-in-law for 10 more minutes.”
The contestants had until Dec. 16 to submit an entry for consideration, according to the Liar’s Club, which indicated late entries will be entered into the 2019 competition.
To read the entire story see the Dec. 27 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.