
BASD approves final $5 million for middle school

Academic calendar adjusted to allow more construction time

By Jennifer Eisenbart


The Burlington Area School District School Board approved three projects Monday night at its monthly meeting — all pieces of the puzzle to the new Karcher Middle School project.

The board unanimously approved both the final $5 million in borrowing for the new middle school costs and the guaranteed maximum construction cost for the project at $28.72 million.

But the board essentially split the vote on the revised school calendar for the 2020-21 school year, with a 3-2 vote in favor of starting the school year earlier, so the 2021-22 calendar can be started later to allow for extra time in the building process.

Three people were missing from Monday night’s meeting — Superintendent Steve Plank, plus board members Taylor Wishau and Susan Kessler.

The vote on the school year split was primarily because of potential issues both with starting the year in August when temperatures are higher, and because of feedback that some have already begun planning for vacations off the old calendar.

Curriculum Director Connie Zinnen said at the meeting that there “really isn’t a recommendation from the administration” in regards to the calendar.

“It’s very difficult to say to you we will absolutely need extra time,” she said. “We’re trying to be proactive.”

To read the entire story see the Nov. 14 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.

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