BASD officials embrace possibility at recent meeting
By Jennifer Eisenbart
As construction continues on the new Nettie Karcher Middle School, the Burlington Area School District may be getting some extra space.
After the City of Burlington indicated it was not interested last year, Superintendent Steve Plank said at Monday night’s general board meeting that the city may be looking now at abandoning Wainwright Avenue.
“It’s in its very early stages,” Plank explained.
Wainwright Avenue runs between the current main building and the old “tin shed” building that now houses the alternative high school. A planned football field is also going into that space as part of the renovations and rebuild.
If the city chooses to abandon the street — Plank said, “it may or may not happen” Monday — he wanted to get some feedback from the board. The abandonment would create a complete space, allowing the district more room to build on, and also remove the inherent issues with the street, which involves closing it with barricades during the school day.
The board reaction was positive, with Kevin Bird saying, “It’d be the benefit of very big dollars.” Board member Peter Turke said he likes the idea of potentially placing a play area in that space. The playground the school used to have was torn down in the construction project.
To read the entire story regarding Monday’s School Board meeting see the Dec. 12 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.