Common Council to decide matter on Jan. 15
By Jason Arndt
The Burlington Common Council could consider whether to grant the Burlington Liars’ Club, 492 N. Pine St., an easement to allow the tavern to construct a balcony above city property at a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 15.
The easement, which was a topic of discussion at the Dec. 18 Committee of Whole, is needed because it will diminish the width and clearance of the city-owned alley.
According to the design plan, the balcony will have a vertical clearance of 18 feet, which is above the typical fire truck height of 13.5 feet.
The alley’s width extends 24 feet, but will lose five feet because the base of the balcony will encroach into the area.
During discussions on Dec. 18, members of the Common Council had concerns about liability, and the balcony interfering with a neighboring lot line.
Liability concerns include patrons potentially falling over the balcony’s railing and onto the alley.
In response, City Attorney John Bjelejac, who recommended approval along with City Administrator Carina Walters, said city officials discussed the potential issue with representatives of the Liars’ Club.
“That was a thought, they would require insurance,” he said. “If we encounter people falling off the balcony, or other unseemly things happening, we can take steps to cancel the agreement, but I don’t see that happening.”
As part of the agreement, the Liars’ Club has agreed to hold the city harmless for any issues that arise from the balcony, including injuries to patrons who may have fallen from the structure.
According to the agreement, if the council approves the matter on Jan. 15, the Liars’ Club will assume all costs associated with the project, including construction and installation of the balcony.
The establishment is also responsible for maintenance of the balcony and any debris discarded onto the alley.
To read the entire story see the Jan. 10 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.