Vintage Square is also back after successful inaugural launch
Maxwell Street Days and The Vintage Square returns for another year this weekend in downtown Burlington with about 60 vendors expected to set up shop, according to the Burlington Area Chamber of Commerce.
The annual event, which runs Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., features multiple attractions.
In between both events, the two-day showcase of Burlington features sidewalk chalk painting, a Rubber Duckie Dash, Chocolate City quest scavenger hunt, trucks and cars on display, music and food.
Chamber Marketing Director Jordan Hutchins said about 20 vendors have signed up for Maxwell Street Days while another 40 will participate in the Vintage Square at Wehmhoff Square Park, 355 N. Pine St., Burlington.
Vintage Square, which is in its second year, drew positive reviews in 2018.
“Everyone loved it,” Hutchins said. “They thought it was an awesome addition. It was a great add-on for some vintage finds that are pretty popular.”
The Chamber said Vintage Square is a curated two-day street market with a focus on all things vintage, antique, reclaimed, repurposed, up-cycled and handmade merchandise.
The Rubber Duckie Dash features a race down the Fox River. Numbers are for sale at both the Chamber of Commerce, 113 E. Chestnut St., Burlington, and participating businesses.
Participating businesses are 2 Fancie Gals, Ansay and Associates, Burlington Menswear, Bubba’s Brickyard, Greenwoods State Bank, Fred’s, Itzin’s, John’s Main Event, Mangold Insurance, Reineman’s True Value, Rugan’s and Town Bank.
Cost for one rubber duckie is $5 or three for $10.
The Chocolate City Clue Quest Scavenger Hunt tests a person’s knowledge, which will be revealed as competitors venture through downtown Burlington, according to the Chamber.
If that is not enough, children can create a work of art on a downtown sidewalk using chalk provided by organizers.
The Burlington Historical Society, meanwhile, will have an ice cream social at Pioneer Cabin from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday.
For more information, the Chamber has asked people to visit its Maxwell Street Days Facebook page.