Organizer hopeful expanded Jamboree returns in 2022
While attendance at the Memorial Day weekend’s Jamboree was modest when compared to a full-blown ChocolateFest, organizers believe there is enough momentum and desire to continue the festival in the future.
“In comparing the carnival numbers this year, back to 2019 when we had a full (Chocolate Fest) festival, the numbers were ‘respectable’ considering it was the debut of our Jamboree,” said Bil Scherrer, Jamboree chairman. “People were happy just to get out and do something with their families.”
Crowds were “steady, but not too congested,” Scherrer said of the four-day festival that opened May 27 under cold, wet weather. Temperatures rose throughout the weekend and culminated with sunny skies and temperatures in the 70s on Memorial Day.
The Jamboree, planned on relatively short notice due to complications of the pandemic, featured carnival rides and food, and a beer tent that offered live music on Saturday night.
Scherrer said Astro Amusements, a division of North American Midway Entertainment, is willing to commit to a return to Burlington during the Memorial Day weekend in 2022.
“We’re already talking about ways to expand and offer even more family entertainment,” Scherrer said. “Some great ideas are already in the works to make the Jamboree even better next year.”
He said the group will meet in later this summer to begin planning for the 2022 event. Scherrer invited people to become involved in planning the festival.
“This is a community event and as part of your community, you need to take an active role,” he said.