Multi-venue event showcases recent facility upgrades
The Burlington Area School District will host “Open Doors, Burlington Schools” to welcome the community to visit 10 district buildings on Saturday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The district, which has seen multiple facility upgrades as well as the new Karcher Middle School come to fruition in recent months, wants to use Saturday’s event as a way to showcase what has transpired since voters endorsed a referendum in November 2018.
“The district is grateful for the community’s support of the 2018 referendum and we want to show the community how their investment will benefit Burlington students,” according to Julie Thomas, Director of Communication.
This is an opportunity to tour the new Karcher Middle School, which opened in Fall 2021 for students in grades 6-8.
Next door, at 209 Wainwright Avenue, the building once used as an annex for the high school has been remodeled as the district office.
“Every school has planned special activities to welcome the community. We hope neighbors, alumni, and friends join us on Saturday,” Thomas said.
A full schedule of events is posted on the district’s website at basd.k12.wi.us.
Alumni will enjoy seeing their former elementary schools including Dyer Elementary School, 201 S. Kendrick Avenue, which was once the junior high school.
The schools received renovations to create secure entrances and address facility maintenance such as replacing windows, bathrooms, ceilings, and lighting.
At Burlington High School, 400 McCanna Parkway, people can tour WBSD 89.1 FM, BHS’s radio station that has been on the air for 42 years.
At 10 a.m., the student leadership organization DRIVEN will hosts its annual Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 0-11.
Alumni can see the school’s Wall of Inspiration and Wall of Fame which both recognize individuals who have made significant contributions in their field and the community.
The Lincoln School, 100 N. Kane Street, built in 1859, will also be open. The school has served many purposes over the years including as a high school, kindergarten, and district office. It is now the location of Fox River Consortium, a partnership with Waterford Union High School. The PAC House, 340 Church Street, also a partnership with WUHS, is a residential home where students ages 18-21 receive training.
Both Cooper Elementary, 248 Kendall Street, and Waller Elementary, 195 Gardner Avenue, received significant renovations through the referendum including secure entrances, remodeled bathrooms, and new windows. Cooper has planned a historical display about the original Cooper School and their PTO has organized a basket raffle. Waller students and staff look forward to showing student work.
Winkler Elementary, 34150 Fulton Street, will have items on display from the early Winkler School days. The public is encouraged to end their day by bringing a picnic lunch to eat at Lyons Center School, 1622 Mill Street, Lyons, which is near the White River trail. The school has a large playground.
Thomas encourages the community to see Burlington schools saying, “Last Spring, alumni really enjoyed touring the old high school and many mentioned wanting to see other schools. Open Doors, Burlington Schools provides this opportunity.”
In addition to seeing the schools, there will be refreshments, giveaways, and a door prize drawing.