Hospitalizations are also down in region, statewide
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
Racine County experienced a steep drop in confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases through a recent 14-day period, according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
The health department, which reported 5,043 confirmed and probable cases the week ending Jan. 18, noted Racine County had since seen 1,700 through Tuesday.
However, despite the decline in cases, the DHS reported fatalities continued to be a concern with 20 more deaths reported among people diagnosed with a confirmed COVID-19 case from Jan. 19-25.
Since the pandemic began in March 2020, DHS data shows 42,726 confirmed cases, and 540 deaths of Racine County residents from COVID-19.
Additionally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Racine County remained classified as having a high level of community transmission because of its case rate and positive tests returned.
The CDC, as of Tuesday, noted 967.34 cases per 100,000 Racine County residents as well as a positivity rate of 25.12%.
Under the high-risk classification, the CDC urges everyone in the community to wear a mask in public indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status.
As for vaccinations, Racine County continued to lag behind the state rate, DHS data indicated on Tuesday.
While 59.1% of Wisconsinites, or 3,445,630 people statewide finished the vaccination series, 110,207 Racine County residents did the same for a rate of 56.3%.
To read the entire story, including the number of local cases in each Western Racine County community, see the Jan. 27 issue of the Burlington Standard Press.