It’s designed to refresh Burlington’s image
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
The City of Burlington touted itself as “Chocolate City, USA” for more than three decades.
However, on Aug. 16, the city tossed the moniker, adopting a new logo and branding without a tagline at a Common Council meeting.
The new logo signifies a leaf with a residential home on top and symbolizes life in Burlington and its best attributes such as health, growth, Mother Nature, among a series of other qualities in the area.
“At the City of Burlington, we are believers in our new identity and the process that produced it – and it is our shared responsibility to do everything we can to ensure we take good care of it now and in the future, so we can leverage maximum value and create as much brand equity as possible over (the) coming years,” Carina Walters, city administrator, noted in an Aug. 16 Common Council memorandum.
With approval city officials will include the Racine County Economic Development Corporation in applying for the second round of the Joint Effort Marketing Grant through the state Department of Tourism.
According to city officials, the second round will help the city develop advertising, along with creation of a promotional and marketing plan for Burlington.
New identity
For several years, the City of Burlington discussed changing its identity, considering Nestle USA has since expanded product lines beyond chocolate.
Mayor Jeannie Hefty, part of many discussions, previously told the Common Council that Nestle supports the city’s transformation away from the Chocolate City, USA moniker.
“We have had roughly six years of meetings with members of the community to get their opinion on rebranding from Chocolate City,” said Hefty. “Nestle had also felt that they weren’t living up to Chocolate City, USA.”
The city’s rebranding process began in 2018 when the city partnered with Racine County to bring in in tourism and downtown expert Rogers Brooks.
Brooks, at the time, spent several days in Racine, Burlington and Waterford to identify strengths and assets in each community.
While Brooks offered several suggestions, including improving signage in Burlington, he strongly encouraged city officials to explore rebranding itself.
To read the entire story see the Aug. 25 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.