Music, entertainment expanded for second year of Memorial weekend festival
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
The Burlington Jamboree returns for the second straight year on Memorial Day weekend after a successful inaugural campaign in 2021.
Bil Scherrer, president of the organizing committee, said the four-day Jamboree replaces the former ChocolateFest.
ChocolateFest, a long-time traditional event, was canceled in 2020 because of COVID-19.
The pandemic wasn’t the only factor, according to Scherrer, who noted the city’s plan to rebrand itself as something other than Chocolate City, USA.
However, in 2021, Scherrer and a group of volunteers decided to come together and revive a former Jamboree held on July 4 several decades ago.
“When I was a kid, it was called the Jamboree,” he said. “We thought, let’s call it the Jamboree again, because a lot of people are nostalgic about that.”
Last year, the Jamboree began as a simple event, with carnival rides, some music and food vendors.
The initial launch, Scherrer said, brought favorable feedback.
“It was well received,” he said. “This year, we expanded a little further, and now we have two bands a day on the stage.”
Burlington Jamboree opens 4 p.m. Friday and runs to 10:30 p.m. before resuming on the weekend with hours starting at noon on both days.
On Memorial Day, the Jamboree will run from noon until 6 p.m.
Other events taking place throughout the weekend include: pig, goat and duck races presented by Pleasure Valley; the Circus Shane variety show; bumper boats; Knockerball; touch-a-truck; and a 4-H petting zoo.
Pleasure Valley, according to Scherrer, is one of the most favorite attractions at area county fairs.
“We have seen them at the county fairs. We did some scouting last year, I went to some fairs and I thought this would be a fun thing to have,” he said.
Circus Shane, a variety show, features juggling, trampoline, magic, spinning cubs, a balancing act as well as a 65-foot high dive.
The highlight of the weekend for kids and families is the carnival featuring rides, games and food provided by North American Midway Entertainment, the largest touring carnival in the country.
The best part of the Jamboree is the free admission, Scherrer said, adding other features such as food vendors and carnival come at a cost.
“You can walk around, enjoy the music, and things like that,” he said.
Additionally, on Sunday, Scherrer said a worship service will be held at 8 a.m. with an omelette breakfast to follow.
The omelette breakfast, he said, costs $12 for adults and $6 for children 11 and under and will be offered until 11:30 a.m.
The meal, in addition to omelettes, also includes of pancakes and sausage.
All volunteers
Scherrer, like others on the committee, is a volunteer for the Burlington Jamboree.
“Every person that serves on the Jamboree Committee is a true volunteer,” Scherrer said in a previously issued news release. “There is no paid staff. When it comes to workers, such as parking vehicles, or trash removal, the Jamboree enters into an agreement with non-profit and civic groups. The non-profit groups provide the manpower and raise their own revenue. Many of these groups depend on the Jamboree as a key revenue source when establishing their budget.”
Additionally, since the admission is free, the event would not have been possible without the support of multiple community sponsors, Scherrer said.
Kringle Krush run
Separate from Burlington Jamboree, O&H Danish Bakery and Racine Danish Kringles are co-sponsoring a Kringle Krush 5K/10K run from 8:30-9:45 a.m. on Sunday, May 29.
Participants will begin their trip at the Burlington trailhead Riverside Park, located along the Fox River, according to race organizers.
Pre-race packet pickup will be on Saturday from 3 until 5:30 p.m. at the Hampton Inn, 400 N. Dodge St., Burlington.
After the event, organizers encourage runners to enjoy the carnival rides, games and food at the Burlington Jamboree.
For additional information, including how to register, visit 5kevents.raceentry.com/kringle-rush-5k10k/race-information
If you go…
What: Burlington Jamboree
When: Friday, May 27, through Monday, May 30
Where: Festival grounds along Maryland Avenue in downtown Burlington
Admission: Free
Lowdown: Carnival rides, games, entertainment and food provided by North American Midway Entertainment; Burlington Lions Club Beer Tent offering live music all four days of the Jamboree.