But $9 million plan is not high priority for city
By Jason Arndt
Staff Writer
The Burlington Public Library serves nearly 20,000 people from multiple jurisdictions.
But, considering the structure’s relative size and steady population growth in the area, the library faces long-term challenges to accommodate community needs.

Joe Davies, library director, said the Library Board has spent about two years looking into potential expansion of the library and concluded the structure does not have adequate space.
“The big challenge for our services has been that we just don’t have enough space for the population we are serving,” he said. “Our service population is 19,500, so it is basically all of the city, all of the town, and then folks in Lyons, some in Spring Prairie.”
In 2020, according to Davies, the Library Board hired consultant FEH Design to review long-range plans for the library under the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan.
FEH, in an executive summary, projected the area should exceed 20,000 in population by 2040 and that the Library Board should consider expansion to meet long-term demands.
“Back in 2020, we did a space planning process, kind of figuring out what it was that we wanted,” he said. “Size wise, we need to be about double the size in terms of square footage.”
Meanwhile, last year, a consultant worked on a financial feasibility study with the Library Board picking a vision carrying a $9 million price tag.
However, according to the feasibility study, Davies reported a fundraiser could offset some of the project costs.
“We did a funding feasibility study last year. That study suggested that we could likely raise between $2 to $3 million,” Davies said. “Now, we are kind of in the early phases of getting a committee together to start working on the fundraising process.”
Davies acknowledged the Library Board would need to find a way to bring in the other $6 million.
The Library Board, Davies said, has been working with the city on developing a long-term financial plan.
FEH Design conducted three focus groups in 2020 for possible design options of the future Burlington Public Library.
Focus group participants concluded the library should remain in the same downtown location, have a connection to, and respect of, Wehmhoff Square Park, maintain the historic character of the original 1917 structure previously used as the post office, and offer outdoor reading space and teaching areas connecting to the park.
“The goal was to preserve that original 1917 post office building as is, and incorporate that into a new building,” Davies said. “So, it would essentially be removing the 1980 addition to the library and replacing that with a new two-story addition, which would tie into the original 1917 building.”
Additionally, the probable expansion includes a second floor terrace, where library users can read materials while overlooking Wehmhoff Square Park as well as another entrance for visitors.
To read the entire story see the April 14 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.