
News from throughout Western Racine County.


In this week’s Standard Press…

      The announcement this month that a non-profit group plans to raise between $8 and $15 million to build a performing arts center in the heart of Burlington comes at the same time a similar group is ramping up its efforts to raise an estimated $6.5 million for an athletic […]

Union Grove

The gift of reading

High school honor students reach out to second graders By Gail Peckler-Dziki Correspondent Every year, Union Grove High School National Honor Society students brainstorm under the guidance of their sponsor, Andy DelPonte, for service projects. This year, NHS students considered what they would have found helpful when they were younger. […]


Liars’ Club balcony advances

City approves certificate of appropriateness for project By Jason Arndt Editor The Burlington Common Council granted the Burlington Liars’ Club, 492 N. Pine St., a certificate of appropriateness to alter its building to make way for a proposed balcony at Tuesday’s meeting. The certificate of appropriateness came on a 6-1 […]


Ketterhagen declines to explain resignation

Controversial School Board member abruptly steps away from his post By Jason Arndt Editor Following acceptance of Philip Ketterhagen’s resignation on Monday, the Burlington Area School District Board of Education has started its search to fill his vacancy, according to Superintendent Peter Smet. Ketterhagen, in a Dec. 10 letter addressed […]


Winter market debuts at Mercantile Hall

Monthly event will feature familiar local vendors By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief The Burlington Farmers Market is launching a monthly winter market on Thursday featuring many of the vendors who frequent the organization’s summer market. The inaugural winter market will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      While he was a lightning rod for controversy from the moment he was elected to the School Board in 2012, Philip Ketterhagen had the support of voters over the course of six-plus years and four elections. So why did the longtime Burlington Area School District Board of Education member […]


Township OKs slight tax rate increase

Fractional increase comes after years of steady property taxes By Jason Arndt Editor After three years of facing the same property tax rate, Town of Burlington residents will see a small increase for 2019, due to a slight dip in assessed property values. The increase from $2.59 to $2.596 per […]