
News from throughout Western Racine County.


Aquaducks win national title

      The Browns Lake Aquaducks open their national championship performance last weekend in Tomahawk with a multi-tiered pyramid. The team captured first place in Division II National Water Ski Championship competition among a field of seven teams. See The Aug. 10 edition of the Burlington Standard Press for additional photos […]


Soaring to new heights

Local partnership keeps medical plane flying in Belize   By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief The Burlington area has stamped a new humanitarian entry into a flight log that spans more than 25 years and connects local residents to their counterparts in a small Central American country. On Friday pilots […]


Flood grant application event is Saturday

  Burlington area residents who suffered damage to their homes or lost personal property in the July flood are invited to apply for grants from the Burlington Community Fund of up to $10,000 per household. The community fund will host a grant-processing event at Veterans Terrace, 589 Milwaukee Ave., Burlington, […]

Union Grove

County fair shines under fair skies

By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Ideal weather made the Racine County Fair the place to be last weekend as nearly 90,000 people crossed through the gates during the event’s five-day run at the fairgrounds in Union Grove. “We had a great fair,” said fair board President Scott Gunderson. “How […]


Recreation fund is back in the black

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After struggling for several years, a fund earmarked for recreation programs within the Waterford Graded School District’s operating budget is back in the black. WGSD’s School Board on July 31 approved the financial statement for Fund 80 – the section of the budget cordoned off for […]