By Patricia Bogumil Editor Besides being able to offer a zero tax levy increase for the seventh year in a row, the Village of Waterford Board is also in a financial position to undertake four major projects in the next five years, Village President Tom Roanhouse said. Projects on the […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
Town, city budgets draw few comments
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor No muss, no fuss – at least when it comes to the Town of Burlington 2015 budget. With the town’s mill rate holding steady at $2.56 per $1,000 of property value for the ninth straight year, the annual budget public hearing drew no commentary Tuesday night […]
Village budget keeps tax levy and tax rate steady
By Patricia Bogumil Editor The Village of Waterford tax levy will stay the same amount it has been since 2009 under a 2015 budget proposal to be presented Monday. Under the 2015 budget proposal, the village levy stays at $2,693,142 in taxes – the same amount levied seven years in […]
City moving ahead with pool plans
By Jennifer Eisenbart EDITOR With a fresh layer of snow on the ground, it’s likely only a handful of people in Burlington were thinking of the community swimming pool Tuesday. That handful of people included city staff reviewing proposals from firms that are vying to develop options for the future […]
BHS choir headed to D.C. for national tree lighting
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor When Burlington High School Choir Director Penny Yanke spent time submitting a concert video recently, she happened to get a notice for something else. That notice? Advertising open auditions for the national tree-lighting ceremony in Washington, D.C. “I had just finished the concert video to apply […]
Woof! Meow! Oink! for photos with Santa
By Anita Blatnik Correspondent Fox Valley Veterinary Service invites everyone to bring their pet to meet Santa on Saturday, Dec. 6, between noon and 2 p.m., at their facility located at 231 S. Millgate Drive, Rochester, right off Highway 36. The veterinary service will provide a digital photo of […]
Get into the holiday spirit with the Racine Chorus
The Racine Chorus of Sweet Adeline International is offering a “Holiday Sing Along” for three consecutive Thursdays in December. Ladies of all ages are invited to visit the chorus on Thursdays, December 4, 11, and 18 as the Chorus sings everyone’s favorite Christmas carols. The December sing-alongs will be held […]
Local hospitals named as ‘Top Performers’
Aurora Health Care announced last week that several state hospitals – including Aurora Memorial Hospital of Burlington and Lakeland Medical Center in Elkhorn – are named as 2013 Top Performers on Key Quality Measures. The award is given by The Joint Commission, which the press release called the leading accreditor […]
Aurora plans move forward ¬– this time with little comment
By Jennifer Eisenbart Editor When the public hearing for the proposed Aurora facility on Spring Valley Road in Burlington opened Tuesday night, the City of Burlington Common Council was, to say the least, surprised. Residents of Spring Valley Road, a number of whom were also at last week’s Plan Commission […]
Waterford Graded board appoints a teacher as its latest member
By Patricia Bogumil Editor Following a 3-1 final vote, Grant Strobel was appointed to the Waterford Graded School Board Nov. 20, filling a vacancy created in September when Bob Kastengren resigned due to health issues. Strobel is one of four candidates who sought to replace Kastengren. The board position runs […]