The annual Veterans Day program is Nov. 7 The second annual celebration to Honor our Veterans will take place Wednesday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., inb the lower banquet room of The Cotton Exchange, 345 Hickory Hollow Drive, Waterford. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The event is sponsored […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
WSD personnel issues to be aired in public
By Patricia Bogumil Editor All three full-time employees of the Waterford Sanitary District have asked that personnel issues and problems be aired before the public. That request will be honored Wednesday, Nov. 7, when the WSD board next meets for its regular monthly session. Monday morning, all three WSD commissioners […]
Tax rate is up in final BASD budget
Sniping continues over teachers insurance plan By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer Before the Burlington Area School District Board of Education finalized its 2012-13 operating budget, the two new board members got in their parting shots Monday night. Phil Ketterhagen and Roger Koldeway – both elected to the board in April […]
Early voting strains local resources
Area clerks ‘swamped’ as early voters flock to cast their ballots By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer The impact of early voting was one of the subjects discussed at the recent semi-annual Waterford “super board” meeting. The Oct. 23 meeting included representatives from the villages of Waterford and Rochester and towns […]
State warns against donation scams in wake of hurricane
As the eastern United States begins its slow recovery, the Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection cautions residents to watch out for scams and to research organizations to ensure that they are legitimate charities donating to the hurricane recovery. “Criminals may use this disaster to take advantage of people’s generosity, and […]
Absentee voting robust statewide
More than 412,000 Wisconsin residents have requested absentee ballots so far – including more than 256,000 in clerks’ offices – for the November 6 General Election, according to the Government Accountability Board. “Based on our limited numbers, absentee voting continues to be robust around the state,” said Kevin J. Kennedy, […]
Back for another shot
BHS, CCHS volleyball teams on track to defend state titles By Jennifer Eisenbart Sports Editor After missing out on the WIAA state girls volleyball tournament for 12 straight seasons, the Burlington High School girls volleyball team can now be called a Resch Center regular. The same goes for the Catholic […]
Harvest of the Market event is Thursday
It’s your chance to dine on local produce from farmers market By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff Writer The last few weeks of the Burlington Farmers Market didn’t cooperate – at least in terms of the weather. That didn’t keep Market Director Carol Reed from being in high spirits about the upcoming […]
Honor Our Veterans program to be held Nov. 7
The second annual celebration to Honor our Veterans will take place Wednesday, Nov. 7, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the lower banquet room of The Cotton Exchange, 345 Hickory Hollow Drive, Waterford. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The event is sponsored by Integrity Funeral Services, Waterford, to honor those […]
ID theft alleged in payday loan scheme
A Kenosha woman is facing identity theft charges for allegedly using other people’s Social Security numbers to obtain loans at two area payday loan stores. Mariah Charisma Ford, 25, is charged with two counts of felony personal ID theft for financial gain in Racine County Circuit Court for loans sought […]