By Patricia Bogumil Interim Editor Armed with colored pencils and markers, Dylan Hoffman, 7, of Raymond, created a swashbuckling doodle to pirate away a major stash of cash from Google, the Internet giant that runs the world’s most popular search engine. On May 17, at ceremonies held in New York […]
News from throughout Western Racine County.
BASD to offer two-tier insurance
Staff has choice of high deductible or premium contribution By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer After battling for more than eight months trying to explain its position in not asking employees to pay a portion of their health insurance premiums, the writing may have been on the wall Monday night […]
A cuppa jo, some good reads and music to listen by at Java Jo’z
By Patricia Bogumil Interim Editor Finding just the right word is often a hit-and-miss struggle for budding poets. That’s not a problem for Bruce Dethlefsen, Wisconsin’s Poet Laureate, who shared his thoughts precisely May 9, when the Java Jo’z coffee shop in Waterford hosted an evening filled with verse and […]
School Yard Park pavilion opens for business
By Julie Rossman Correspondent After a year-and-a-half of construction and hundreds of hours of volunteer time, the new brick concession building at Union Grove’s School Yard Park is open for business. “It takes a whole community to make this happen,” said Village President Mike Aimone at the official dedication of […]
A one-time payoff may end the grinder pump standoff
WSD adds a new option to consider By Patricia Bogumil Interim Editor With no clear end in sight to how much or how to charge some 302 users of district-owned grinder pumps, another option – paying them off – came up May 9, when the Town of Waterford Sanitary District […]
Leadership Union Grove 2012 class graduates
Congratulations to the 2012 Leadership Union Grove Class who received their graduation certificates May 9 at the Bixby-Hansen American Legion. Graduates Sloan Allen and John Donovan spoke about what the class and much more importantly what the classmates had come to mean for them. The guest speaker was Lauri Ehleiter, […]
Pausing to remember
Emotional memorial service honors city’s fallen officers By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief Each May in recent years, Jean Taylor receives a letter from the parole board advising her the man convicted of killing her father will be considered for release from prison. As upsetting as that annual ritual […]
Town board approves asphalt plant
By Jennifer Eisenbart Staff writer The Town of Burlington Board of Supervisors unanimously approved both a zoning changing and a conditional use application as approved by its planning and zoning committee to allow an asphalt plant on the former J.W. Peters property. Property owner Cretex Materials Inc. of Elk River, […]
Asphalt plant plan raises a stink with city residents
But mayor says most of his concerns have been satisfied by owner By Ed Nadolski Editor in chief A proposal for a new asphalt mixing plant on a portion of the former J.W. Peters property is shaping up as a classic NIMBY (not in my backyard) issue – except […]
Got Chocolate?
Burlington sure does as it hosts annual festival If you crave chocolate and want a sweet, brief excursion from everyday life, Burlington ChocolateFest is just the ticket. This year’s theme is “Got Chocolate?” and the festival’s volunteer organizers are ready to answer with a resounding, “Yes, and a whole lot […]