
News from throughout Western Racine County.


Police looking to bolster surveillance efforts

Officials looking to partner with residents and business with cameras By Jason Arndt Editor The City of Burlington Police Department is building a video surveillance database consisting of private residences and local businesses to improve criminal investigations. Lt. Brian Zmudzinski said the database is a voluntary partnership and gives his […]

Union Grove

The results are in

Village officials comb through Union Grove survey data By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Crime and safety topped the list of importance, but the village’s proximity to nearby employment came in lower on the spectrum. Union Grove Village Administrator Mike Hawes and the Village Board recently distilled data from a community survey […]


Rochester will pay to archive social media

Postings are valuable form of communication, official says By Dave Fidlin Correspondent In an effort to stay abreast of modern open records laws, Rochester officials plan to allocate $2,388 next year to ensure social media posts related to village business and sanctioned activities are properly archived. Village Clerk Sandi Swan […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      Have you ever believed that you’ve got better ideas than the people who run your community or school? Or are you the type who likes to become involved because good intentions make for good government? If you find yourself nodding to either of these statements you might just be […]


Town rejects proposed Dollar General store

Residents voice opposition to discount store’s proposed location By Jason Arndt Editor Town of Burlington’s Planning and Zoning Commission rejected all items related to a proposed Dollar General store in the Bohners Lake area at a Nov. 14 meeting. The rejection drew applause from dozens of residents who showed up […]


In this week’s Standard Press…

      After a line of impassioned speakers took turns explaining to Town of Burlington officials last week why they think it’s a bad idea to allow a Dollar General store near Bohners Lake, the town’s Planning and Zoning Board rejected the proposal. But, according to one board member, the decision […]


BASD approves final $5 million for middle school

Academic calendar adjusted to allow more construction time By Jennifer Eisenbart Correspondent The Burlington Area School District School Board approved three projects Monday night at its monthly meeting — all pieces of the puzzle to the new Karcher Middle School project. The board unanimously approved both the final $5 million […]


A passion for service

Burlington’s Sireno changes military course By Jason Arndt Editor Andrew Sireno’s passion for serving the United States continues even after he left the Army. Sireno, 32, who finished deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq, joined the Air Force with hopes of becoming an Explosive Ordinance Disposal team member. “I have always […]


Referendum work takes shape

Going forward, projects at high school will be more visible By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Work on all of components of Waterford Union High School’s referendum-funded facilities is underway, district officials announced recently. District Administrator Luke Francois provided the School Board with an update on the referendum projects at a meeting […]

Union Grove

From the school greenhouse to the kitchen

Agriculture students at Union Grove High School recently delivered the first harvest of lettuce from the school’s greenhouse to the kitchen. Above: Students Adriana DeYong (from left) and Connor Esch have the honor of handing off the lettuce to Brenda Sunderland, food service director. Agriculture students learn about sustainable growing […]