By Julie Rossman
Pat Freitag has been a familiar face at Union Grove’s Graham Public library for the last 19 years, however, she has decided to retire at the end of the year.
An open house will be held in her honor on Friday, Dec. 2, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the library.
Freitag worked as a kindergarten teacher and a pre-school director before she became children’s librarian at Graham Public Library in 1992.
“I liked it because I got to do everything,” Freitag said, reflecting on her career. She enjoyed the variety of doing deskwork, reference work and working with kids, parents and grandparents.
Her job has had to evolve over the years to adapt to changing times. When she began, Freitag coordinated a story time for four and five-year-olds and would typically see 15 to 18 kids in a group.
Over time, the numbers decreased, which Freitag credits to more children being in daycare. To adapt, Freitag just lowered the target age for story time to two- and three-year-olds.
She has also done lap-sit classes for infants, family story times and family book discussions. “Things have evolved constantly,” Freitag said.
This past year, she began a “make and take” program for pre-schoolers. On Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., children can come in and work on a project that is all laid out on a table, and take it home with them.
Freitag says when children walk in, sometimes they don’t know what kind of book they want. “I like finding the right book for the right kid,” Freitag said.
That process has been made easier since the library became automated. “It was certainly a change for the better,” she said.
Library Director Katie Hanson has worked with Pat for the past 19 years. Hanson was quick to recognize the many contributions Freitag made to the library during her tenure. “Pat shared her musical talents with library patrons, not only during storytimes, but by building and expanding our CD collection for kids,” Hanson said.
According to Hanson, Freitag also applied her background in education to enhance the library’s collection of concept picture books, and promoted quality children’s literature, language development, listening and concentration skills through her programming for children and families.
Freitag lives in Franklin with her husband. She looks forward to more time for traveling, reading and to spending more time with her grandchildren.
Freitag has enjoyed her long tenure at Graham Public Library but admits, “I won’t miss driving in bad weather.”
“Between the patrons and my co-workers, it’s been a nice place to work,” she said.
Hanson is grateful for Freitag’s time at the library. “I thank Pat for her 19 years of dedicated service, I congratulate her on her retirement and extend warmest wishes for good health, great company and happy days.”