The Union Grove Independence Day parade is Wednesday, July 4 beginning at 9:15 a.m. The children’s parade immediately precedes the main parade.
Parents can park in the Talmer Bank and Trust back parking lot or on the street in back of the bank. The children will assemble at 8:45 a.m. at the entrance to Main Street by the drive-through and at 9 a.m. walk to Village Square Park, ahead of the rest of the parade. Small children must be accompanied by an adult.
The main parade begins with the National Anthem being sung by Charlie Moyer from Moyer family farm and singing simultaneously at Village Square Park will be Hailey Kayler, a third grader from Providence Catholic School.
A release of 800 red, white and blue balloons follows at the corner of highways 11 and 45.
The 2012 theme is “Musicals on Main.” The parade route begins at the Racine County Fairgrounds going East on Highway 11, turning north on Highway 45 (Main Street) and ending at Union Grove High School.
Past entry favorites returning include but are not limited to Demuth Family Bo-Mar Buggies, Jolly Giant stilt walkers, military units, marching bands as well as music by Jamit Duo and Belle City Brassworks. Also, make sure to watch for the winning floats, classic cars and antique tractors
Purchase a clapper or kazoo to cheer your favorite entry as it passes you on the route. The parade committee will be selling these items at the fairgrounds on parade day along with coffee, juice and donuts from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Proceeds from the sales will go to future Independence Day events.
The parade video will be shown locally on Friday, July 13 and possibly July 14 and July 16 too. Check website for schedule updates www.uniongrovechamber
Temporary No Parking signs will be placed on the parade route. Vehicles are not allowed to be parked along the parade route. Streets leading to the parade route will be closed at 8:15 a.m. on July 4. Crossroads on Highway 45 will be closed and Highway 45 will be closed North of 58th Street.
The Parade is sponsored by the Union Grove Chamber of Commerce and the American Legion Post 171.