Open house planned for April 11 to celebrate
By Julie Rossman
Renovation work at Graham Public Library is now complete and the public is invited to stop in and see the library’s fresh, new look.

The nearly 6-month-long project includes a new furnace, windows, lighting and roof insulation.
The project was recently topped off with new flooring and paint job, with fresh, new colors. There’s even new landscaping outside the library, thanks to a memorial gift from the family of Jerome Stendahl.
After the rather lengthy and sometimes very messy project, library director Katie Hanson is pleased with the results.
“Everything is all cleaned up and polished – it feels good,” Hanson said.
Graham Public Library Board President, Marge Demuth, is also pleased and says she loves the new look.
“Thank you to our patrons for their patience during our renovation period,” Demuth said.
For some time, patrons had to use the library’s old front entrance to enter.
Demuth would also like to recognize library staff for their flexibility. “They continued to pleasantly serve the patrons during these months of limited access to their offices and work areas,” she said.
Demuth said circulation only dropped 3 percent during this time, a credit to both patrons and staff.
Kathy Heineck is the library’s new children’s librarian. She says when folks walk in the door for the first time, the most common reaction she hears is “wow!”
She said patrons love the new colors added to the walls and floors and that the lighting makes a huge difference as well.
“People can see the bookshelves in the corners of the library much better,” Heineck said.
“Union Grove’s village library is the jewel on Main Street,” Demuth said. She encourages folks to stop in to see the new look and to take advantage of the many resources the library has to offer.
Going forward, regular programming as well as some new programs, will return to the library.
In honor of the completed project and in conjunction with National Library Week, Graham Public Library will hold an open house on Wednesday, April 11, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The public is invited to stop for refreshments, and to check out the library’s new look.
For more information about new children’s activities and story times, and various adult programs, stop by the library at 1215 Main Street, or log on to: or call 878-2910.