The Union Grove-Yorkville Fire Department extends thanks and appreciation to the Coleman Tool & Manufacturing Corp. and specifically, President Doug Coleman and Vice President Mike Coleman, for a generous donation.
Recently the Department found that its old smoke-generating machine had reached its lifetime effectiveness and was beyond repair.
Chief Tom Czerniak spoke with Mike Coleman, explaining how important this device is – especially with the opportunity for extensive training in Union Grove’s old Storm Hall dormitory before its demolition.
The Colemans made a quick decision and agreed to donate this learning tool to the Department in time for extensive use at the Hall.
Union Grove/Yorkville firefighters, as well as members of the Kansasville and South Shore Fire departments, practiced a variety of firefighting techniques and procedures in training conducted in a real environment with conditions mimicking real fire scenarios.
From May 16through May 19, over 51 hours were spent by more than 25 fire fighters practicing techniques and procedures to provide ventilation, complete room searches, hose movement, oversee incident command, do overhaul, completed rescues, try rappelling, show vehicle placement, experiences limited access, work wall breaches, and involvement in building construction overview.
With the new smoke machine, true conditions of reduced visibility were made possible, while no damage to the structure or surroundings took place.
“This new machine is destined for many years of extensive use and the Department is extremely grateful to the Coleman Tool Company for their community support,” said Czerniak.