The Union Grove Lions Club hold their 33rd annual Chicken Barbecue on Sunday June 2, at the Racine County Fairgrounds, Highway 11, Union Grove. Tickets are adults, $9; children age 12 and younger, $6.
Each ticket admits its holder to all other events taking place during the Barbecue.
Serving times are 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., rain or shine, with indoor seating available. Carry outs will be offered. Drive-through carry-out service available at Gate 6.
Net proceeds benefit various community and other Lions projects.
Plan to come to this community event and enjoy the delicious Chicken Barbecue meal, the other events listed below at the Barbecue, visit with family and friends in a relaxed picnic like atmosphere.
People are also urged to bring used eyeglasses, used hearing aids to the Barbecue.
Other events Sunday
• Union Grove Lions Club will hold their 33rd annual Car Show from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spectator admission is free to the Car-Vintage Motorcycle-Van Show and to all of the other events.
Car show entry cost is one car–$10. All makes of cars and trucks are welcome, including antiques, classics, vans and street machines. All vehicles are displayed on grass or asphalt. Show registration information: 878-3623, or 878-3557.
• Vintage Motorcycle Show will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Union Grove Dairy Queen will have Blizzards and Dilly Bars for sale.
• Union Grove Kiwanis Club Cow Pie Bingo starts at noon, with proceeds to community service programs. A $1,000 prize goes to the winner and $50 to each adjacent square.
Racine County Sheriffs Department deputy and members of the Citizen Advisory Board will conduct the “Kid Care I.D. Safety Program,” offering free finger printing and photo IDs.
• Union Grove Lioness Bake Sale and Quilt Raffle starts at 10:30 a.m. Net proceeds benefit community projects.
• Free hay rides by the Lyle Fox Family are offered for children all day.
• Enjoy entertainment by Dale Erdmann’s Spinnin’ Gold D.J. Service from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
• Free popcorn made by Lion Giles Williams from10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at the Barbecue on Sunday and are also available at Grove Insurance, U.G. Aurora Pharmacy, U.G. Piggly Wiggly, U.G. Lumber and Lions Club members.